Slime is really a useful stuff that every household need to have at hand. We have homemade slimes for kids play, but never thought to use it as a cleaning goo. It works better than expected. I just wanted something to remove the junks that builds up between computer keys. It did this effectively. The surprise was that it also made the top of the keys look clean and new. To get this to work properly, you really have to push it down on the keyboard.
It can also be used on cars, cellphone and other tiny spaces that is hard to reach. Amazing, right? Cleaning slime is an interesting idea. Stores sell it, so why not make your own? It’s cheaper, incredibly easy, and so fun to make! Have your kids help out with this one…everyone will have a blast! You will need a measuring cup, water, a bowl, Borax, glue (white or clear school grade), and food coloring (Neon pink for me). This would be perfect for getting crumbs out of hard to reach places! I’m thinking keyboards and center consoles. Luckily I found a homemade cleaning slime here if you are interested.
There is a similar version you can make without the Borax too. It’s main ingredient is liquid starch, you can learn how to via the link: How To Make Your Own Cleaning Slime
Or you don’t want to be complicated, check out what other people are talking about it on Amazon in the following link here: cyber cleaning compound cleaning compound.
Want to keep your kids involved with the slime, here are some homemade slime recipes we collected for you.