Your little monster won’t stop screaming or making trouble at home, and you’re tempted to give him a solo cooling off period, otherwise known as a time-out, a classic but controversial form of discipline. Time out seems to bring up a lot of debate online but I still use it for my children. This is a calm and effective way for parents and school teachers to correct their negative behaviors. You can make you own Sand- Filled Time Out Stool , that’s a really cute idea.You can use a glass hourglass from local decor stores if you are using it as decoration, or if it needs to be kid-proof use clear soda bottles and a wooden bead in between.
Check out the tutorial for instructions via the link:
Christineys Crafts – Time Out Stool Tutorial
Youtube – Time Out Chair for Kids – DIY by Tanya Memme
If you’re not into the DIY version you can pick up a Time Out Timer Stool for $69 from Wisteria.
Or buy from amazon directly: Amazon – Time Out Stool For Children – Red Painted Wood