Do you know that you can make indoor house plants to Improve Your Room Air Quality? You may not notice the toxins of your room air, especially after moving into a new built home or repaint the room. There are three most common toxins found within the air of your home are benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. These toxins are usually emitted from products in the home that were manufactured in a factory.
1. Snake Plants

Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is one of the best for filtering out formaldehyde, which is common in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues and personal care products. Put one in your bathroom — it’ll thrive with low light and steamy humid conditions while helping filter out air pollutants. You may also want to put a couple of these sharp-leafed plants in your bedroom, suggests This Old House. Interestingly, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night (the opposite of the process most plants follow). Sharing your room with these plants could give you a slight oxygen boost while you sleep. Today we are going to share these easy to care indoor house plants to make your room cleaner and improve your home air quality.
2. Aloe
This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear formaldehyde and benzene, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. Aloe is a smart choice for a sunny kitchen window. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside an aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns.
People have been using aloe vera for more than 6,000 years when it was known as “the plant of immortality” in early Egypt, according to the National Institutes of Health. It was used for skin conditions and to heal wounds, as well as used as a laxative. Today, although the science is lacking, aloe vera is typically used topically for sunburns, burns, abrasions and other skin conditions.
3. Baby rubber plants
baby rubber plants are known to remove toxins from the air. In addition, these plants also produce a high amount of oxygen.
4. Boston fern
The Boston fern will not only look nice in your home, but also act as a natural air humidifier, great for living room decor!
5. Chinese evergreen
the Chinese evergreen also emits a substantial amount of oxygen. It’s known to remove harmful chemicals from the air as well.
6. peace lily 
Put a pot of peace lily in your bathroom!! They’re known to remove mold spores from the air. In addition to that, peace lilies remove benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, which — as you should know by now — are the most common toxins found in the home.