Cinder blocks are not just for your construction projects. I have shared different ways to use cinder blocks, The DIY Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed is such a good and easy and sturdy garden bed you can build up for backyard planting. If you love gardening and are looking for new ways of enhancing your front lawn, then you are in for a little treat with the tutorials I am going to share with you. It’s fun and inexpensive and good if you are artistic to paint colors to make it bright.
You may love more: 10 Amazing Cinder Block DIY Ideas and Projects
- cinder blocks
- landscaping fabric
- garden soil
- Paint and paint brush (optional)
- herbs, flowers or succulents of your choice
This vertical mini garden needs no ground at all, an would be a great addition to your deck or patio, or if you want to add a wall for the lawn. It is easy to build up in hour, and good to plant herbs, succulents and annual flowers. Watch the tutorial below and see how you can put the items listed above to use!
Learn how to paint with stencils via reality daydream: STENCILED CINDER BLOCK PLANTER
And try to be creative on your cinder block stacking art as blipvert shared on instructables, a good addition to the corner of wood deck to display flowers or herbs.
Learn how she did her project via the link here: CINDER BLOCK PLANTER
Matthew Russo is going to share with you an easy way to make an outdoor planter. And don’t forget to share with your family and friends who enjoy gardening as much as you do!
Video credit: aCreativeTraveler