40+ Fab DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles

Plastic Bottle Wine Glasses Charms and Napkin Ring (By: Source)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing

Plastic bottle Snowflakes (Source: I Creative Ideas)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing

Plastic Bottle Piggy Banks (Source: Spoonful)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing

Plastic Bottom Flower Bouquet Lamp (Credits: personalise.co.uk)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing

Plastic Bottle Flower Curtains (Source)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing
40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing

Plastic Bottle Flower Hanging Chandelier (Credits: Michelle Brand | blogilates.com)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing18

Plastic Bottle Packing Canopy (Credits: Garth Britzman)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing19

Plastic Bottle Wreath (By: Designing and Recyling)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing

Plastic Bottom (Bottom) Chandelier (by: Sarah Turner)

40+ Fab Art DIY Ideas and Projects to Recycle Plastic Bottles Into Something Amazing20

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