7. Cloth Hanging Ghost: With a few Styrofoam balls, some cheesecloth and a black marker, you can create tons of these little guys to hang all over your porch or inside your house if you prefer. Via: Simply Designing
8. Turn plastic vitamin bottles into creepy apothecary jars using a glue gun and chalkboard paint. Tutorial via: Magia Mia
9. Black Cat O’Lanterns : These spooky Black Cat O Lanterns are the perfect addition to a fun Halloween porch decoration! Tutorial via Sunset.
10. These little Ping Pong Ball Ghost Lights are a fun crafty Halloween idea that the kids will love helping to make and so easy. Tutorial Via: Unoriginal Mom
11. DIY bloody candles: Via madame-dentelle.
12. Window silhouettes: Via: Shelterness