Hot Dog Caterpillar: Hot dog, one of kids favorite snack, can be easier cut into slices for make fun caterpillar with sauce. Details: Cute Food For Kids
Spiders On A Log: Chop celery into sticks and fill in with favorite sauces, scattering spiders over to make it more spooky. Details: Spaceships & Laser Beams
Carrot Fingers: Carrots + almonds over icecream or dips. Details: Spoonful
Jack O’ Lantern Fruit Bowl: Arrange fruit slices into a Jack-O-Lantern serving tray.
Owl Crackers: Crackers, cream cheese, raisins, and almonds stacked together to create these adorable owl crackers. Details: Parents
Popcorn Bowl Jack-O-Lantern: Amaze your Halloween party guests with this Jack-O-Lantern Popcorn Bowl that is not only filled with white chocolate popcorn but is made of it too. Details: Hungry Happenings
Hot Dog Mummies: Wrap hot dogs with dough and bake them into fatty hot dog mummies. Details: Hugs and Cookies XOXO