When You Put These Items In An Ice Cube Tray, You Can Make Something Incredible!! Ice cube seems to be an obvious and easy solution whenever comes to using ice cube tray in order to cool down a drink, but just because an ice cube tray is technically meant for water as its name says, doesn’t mean you can’t use it for way cooler purposes. Did you ever think of putting herbs and flowers in your plastic tray? How about using as your jewelry organizer?! Stop making boring blocks for your drinks and spice up your cube game instead by getting inspirations of all ideas we shared here.
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Let’s start off easy: freeze leftover coffee via Design Love Fest.
Not that we know why this would ever happen, but if you have leftover wine, freeze it and add it to your next pitcher of sangria via Ponte Family Estate.
If your yogurt is about to go bad, freeze it to make it last longer via The Cutting Board.
Freeze liquids in layers for a fun and fruity effect via Oh Joy!
Make everything a bit peachier with these pureed cubes via Paula Deen Network.
Frozen Cheesecake Bites via Better Recipes.
While I’m not exactly a bluebird-on-my-shoulder kinda gal, I have no ill will whatsoever about Valentines Day. We’re not big on celebrating in my house, there is no bitterness involved in the smashing of conversation hearts necessary to make these via The Decorated Cookie.
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A fun and simple recipe, and a way to dress it to impress, as well! You can have this party bark done from start to finish via Happy Hour Projects
Some frozen flowers keep a bottle of prosecco or white wine cool via HoliCoffee.
Or you could add edible, aromatic flower cubes to a seltzer, vodka, or just some lemonade via Tablespoon!
Strawberries covered with chocolate and frozen are the best thing you’ve never tried via Paleo Eats & Treats.
Grenadine is the perfect sweet touch to add to champagne ice cubes via Style It Like You Stole It.
Or you can add blood orange juice to them via Domestic Fits!
By lining your trays with sushi rice, you can make foolproof Japanese snacks via Explosion.
Pureed (or juiced) fruits make for colorful, nutritious, and practical smoothie additions via Oh, The Things We’ll Make!.
Chocolate ice cubes add just the right amount of decadence via The Petrin.
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Upcycle an ice cube tray into a seed starter to germinate seeds and grow seedlings for your garden via Mr Brown Thumb.
A great alternative to sugary Popsicles, these ice cube pops are naturally delicious and 100% fruit via Whisked Foodie.
Preserving Pesto or other herbs via E.A.T.
Baked Tots via Mom…What’s for Dinner
Cleaners for the Garbage Disposal via Tip Garden